‘A momentous time’: OUWB Class of 2024 celebrates Match Day
An image of students celebrating Match Day

在全球流行病和2024年的OUWB班级之间的反反复复的战斗中, the class emerged clear victors on Friday, when they celebrated Match Day.

They were among nearly 45,000 of their peers across the U.S. to participate in the National Resident Matching Program (NRMP), 这个年度活动揭示了大多数即将毕业的医学院学生接受住院医师培训的地方.

这些即将成为医生的人聚集在韦德体育app官网奥克兰中心, where they learned they would be going to places like Mayo Clinic, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of California Los Angeles 医疗 Center, and Brown University.

There were plenty of smiles, hugs, cheers, and even fireworks.

“这一天将是医生一生中最值得纪念的一天,” said Christopher Carpenter, M.D., Stephan Sharf interim dean. “问问这个房间里的任何一位医生……比赛日是他们永远不会忘记的一天。.”

有关更多信息,包括更多统计数据和完整的比赛列表,请查看 OUWB 2024 Match Day page

“这不仅仅是机会的问题,而是你如何利用这个机会的问题,”他补充说. “无论你最终在哪里,我相信你会取得伟大的成就,让OUWB感到自豪.”

Other speakers at the event were, Berkley Browne, Ph.D., associate dean, Student Affairs, Daniel Carey, M.D., 总统, Corewell健康 William Beaumont University Hospital, and Oakland University President Ora Hirsch Pescovitz, M.D.

“In life, you never know where the road may lead,” said Pescovitz.

“无论你走到哪里, 无论你做什么, 关键是要对各种可能性保持开放的心态,并在意外到来时保持积极的态度. 记住,让你们走到今天的是你们的决定,你们为国效力的热情.”

学生 like Ryan Ko were elated.

“It’s really a momentous time for all of us,” he said. “We put in so much hard work, went through a pandemic, a Step One grading change, 尽管如此, our class matched so well.”

“I just have so many emotions,” he added.

'An absolutely incredible day'

An image of students celebrating Match Day

Andrew Vrtar和他的家人一起庆祝他在加州大学欧文分校医学中心获得麻醉学资格.

配对过程在医学院最后一年的秋季开始, when fourth-year medical students apply to residency programs. Residency programs interview applicants throughout fall and early winter.

From mid-January to late February, 申请人和住院医师项目主管分别按照偏好顺序对彼此进行排名,并将偏好列表提交给NRMP, 哪家公司用计算机化的数学算法来处理这些申请,将申请人与项目相匹配.

OUWB students matched in 24 states. (11名学生在成为居民的最终目的地之前有过渡性的几年. Only their final destinations were counted in statistics.)

除了ally, they matched in 20 different specialties. 前四名依次是内科、麻醉学、家庭医学和儿科.

科林·布雷斯韦特在梅奥诊所研究生医学教育学院获得整形外科学位. His wife and two children attended the Match Day celebration with him.

“This day means absolutely everything to me and my family,” he said. “为了实现我们的梦想,我们付出了年复一年的努力和牺牲. It’s an absolutely incredible day.”


19名学生(16%)将在迪尔伯恩的Corewell健康医院参加实习, 皇家橡树, and Grosse Pointe in 11 specialties.

“我们希望从服务社区的角度考虑本地问题,我认为我们在这方面做得非常好,卡朋特说. “但我们也希望我们的学生拥有最能满足他们需求和职业目标的机会.”

“我们对留在Corewell健康中心和本州的人数感到兴奋, 但同样令人兴奋的是,每一个学生都找到了他们想去的地方.”


An image of students celebrating Match Day

A group of students pose for a photo after learning where they matched. 




“It’s just such a relief,”她说。. “It makes me feel so appreciative of all of the support that got us here. And it helps me reflect on the difficult times we had in med school, how we were able to push through it, and now we’re headed to all of these amazing places. We worked so hard for this moment.”

The Class of 2024 started at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Browne noted that the journey of the class was atypical, 但她相信,这些学生忍受了他们所做的一切,会变得更好.

“This class is extremely resilient,”她说。. “由于COVID和很多方面,他们的头两年几乎都很遥远, what med school is supposed to be wasn’t for them.”






Marisa Stratelak had her own kind of challenges. Five weeks ago, she gave birth to twins. 他们和她的丈夫Momo Traore一起参加了她母亲的比赛日庆祝活动.

在一起, 当斯特拉克得知她在伊利诺伊大学医学院获得麻醉学学位时,这个年轻的家庭欢呼雀跃.

她说:“太激动了,太激动了……我真的很激动。. “We’re going home, finally, to be with my parents.”


Others shared in the excitement and relief brought by the day.

“It feels very rewarding,” said Oyinkansola Akinpelu, 德州大学奥斯汀戴尔医学院的普通外科医生. “General surgery is hard, but I'm excited about where I'm ending up. I did an away rotation there and I loved it. I'm excited to go back.”

“Not a lot of people get to experience this, so being able to is amazing,内尔·布里戈利说, M4, what matched in pediatrics at Wake Forest Baptist 医疗 School. “看到周围所有的爱,不仅仅是来自我的家人,还有其他人,这太棒了. It’s the right people that are going into medicine.”

“I’m still in disbelief and shock this happened, because this (俄亥俄州 State) was my number one choice,唐娜·卡亚尔说, 在俄亥俄州立大学韦克斯纳医学中心的急诊医学系工作. “Finally getting to be together is amazing, 特别是由于新冠病毒,一开始我们无法见面.”

“很高兴与所有支持我的人分享这一切. 是你所爱的人的支持让你度过艰难的时刻,” said McKenzie Allen, who matched in pediatrics at Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, 俄亥俄州. “The people who rally around you helps you get here.”

“这是我从小就一直在努力的积累. I wanted to be a pediatrician since I was 5-years-old.”


“你已经为比赛日和你的比赛名单所代表的所有伟大的可能性做好了准备,他说. “我的问题是……你今天匹配的住院医师为你准备好了吗?"

欲了解更多信息,请联系Andrew Dietderich,营销作家,OUWB,在 (电子邮件保护).

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